Save time and money on the road with Weekend Hockey

March Break is a time on the calendar that is circled by parents and kids alike. Schedules get put on the back burner and everyone can take a step back from their busy lives to relax together as a family. It serves as a great time to catch up on homework and marks the unofficial halfway mark of the school year.
For hockey players, March Break could offer one of the final tournaments of the season. Depending on where teams are in Qualifiers, this time of the year is the perfect opportunity to get together one last time on the ice.
Remember these tips to ensure your time at a tournament is a success.
Get everything together the day before you are leaving and double check before you hit the road. You don’t want to spend hours on the road driving to a tournament and realize that you forgot to pack an important piece of equipment. These extra minutes will be worth it, especially if it ends up saving you hours of time or being unable to play. Airing out equipment after a game helps reduce the chances of bacteria forming as well.
Eat Properly
It can be tough eat healthy with every meal on the road but planning ahead of time will not only save money but the headache of finding nutritious food. Many hotels offer a mini fridge in the room that have enough room for fruits and other premade snacks. You can also bring a cooler with you to keep fresh food. These meals can pack a boost of energy before a game to help perform at your best and also help aid in recovery for another game later in the day.
Use Your Time Wisely
Doing homework in the car on the way to a tournament can be an efficient time to complete it. The downtime between games at the hotel also offers an opportunity to finish any homework. With a week off from school, there aren’t many excuses to use for not being able to get it done. If needed, make a break in your daily schedule to give yourself a dedicated timeslot to focus and work. This can help teach players time management skills as well.
Enjoy the Time Together
This tournament could be one of the last times that your team spends as a group together on the ice. End your season on a positive note and create memories that will last over the summer. Always work to achieve your goals and remember all of the fun you had with your friends. It is often the pizza parties and mini stick tournaments that you will remember most.