the best hockey tournaments in the world!Many dates in destination cities across North America in 2025/26 are not yet listed.
If the above dates do not work for your schedule, CONTACT US, and we will contact you as we add events. We organize boys’ and girls’ events from 8u through 19u and all divisions, from house league to AAA.- Divisions: Boys/Girls 8u (full ice), 10u,
12u, 14u, 16u & 18u AA/A/B
(3) 13-min stop time periods 10, 12, & 14u.
(3) 15 min stop time 16u & 18u.
Non-Sanctioned Event. 2024/25 ages.
You must show your ID to playCarolina Cup.
June 20-22, 2025
Carolina Ice Palace
7665 Northwoods Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29406
- Divisions: Boys/Girls 8u (full ice), 10u,
- NHL Players for a Meet & Greet!
- 4 Game Guarantee. (3) 15 Min periods for 16u & 18u. (3) 13’s for 8u thru 14u stop time.
- 20 Free Pucks per team! Swag bag for every player! Prime Drinks Sponsored.
- Player and Parent’s Dave & Busters Dinner featuring Speeches from NHLers and a Mental Performance Coach! (optional event. small additional charge)
- A Pro-Level muscle “Recovery Zone” with Normatec 3 Recovery Boots to rejuvenate after each game!
- Championship Presentation with an Official Replica Stanley Cup. Pictures and a locker room Celebration after skating with the Cup.
- Each division winner receives a Blinged-out Gold Ring & Silver for finalists!
- Championship Banner for Division Champs!
- Live Scores and Standings on our Web Portal!
- Awesome Merch & Professional Photographers!
4 game Minimum
Join us for our 2025
Tournament Schedule!
“We have played in competitions from every tournament provider in the market. PPE delivers a tournament platform that is laser-focused on the athlete experience while ensuring high-quality competition. We are proud to spend 100% of our tournament budget with PPE.”
Danny Ingram, Salt Lake Effect
“The inaugural Austin event we hosted here at The Crossover in Cedar Park was fantastic. Rick, Nathan and the team at Pro Performance Events did a great job not only with the on-ice competition, but also really knocked it out of the park with the “extras”. The recovery zone, the autograph session, the seminar, and the championship rings really made this event stand out amongst the others. We look forward to being a mainstay for Rick and the team moving forward and would highly recommend attending these events.”
Adam Powell General Manager Oak View Group, Austin, TX.
“PPE runs unforgettable world-class tournaments. They offer more perks for the kids than anyone, period. They have NHLers, mental performance coaches, and too many extras to list. If you want to be treated like gold, you must try PPE.”